We are excited you want to know more about the Mississippi Cannabis Trade Association (MSCTA)! Your business' involvement with the MSCTA equals representation alongside other responsible industry leaders committed to bringing about a legitimate and professional cannabis business community.

Even in its formation, the MSCTA has already been successful at building a coalition of partners within the cannabis reform movement. These partners include individuals and businesses within medical organizations, law enforcement agencies, local and state government associations, and environmental protection groups. As a unit, we are focused on creating responsible policy and regulations within Mississippi.

In addition to the opportunity to shape the legal and regulatory framework for Mississippi's emerging cannabis industry, MSCTA membership also provides a statewide platform to promote your business while offering you valuable discounts from participating cannabis industry partners.

Please fill out the contact form and we will be in touch with further information from the membership team or click >> Subscribe << and select the plan that is right for your team!